1. The student should be admitted through the CAP round for EBC & Reserve
Category Scholarship.
2. To have a Aadhar card
3. To have a proof that your are not the fourth child.
4. You can avail of only one type of Government Scholarship.
5. To have a Bank account and the name of Bank account no. is same as per the
candidate name in scholarship application form
6. Bank account no. is always operative.
7. Bank account no. has no fixed credit limit (i.e. sanctioned scholarship
amount can be permissible to credit in account).
8. Bank account no. is not an NRI account/Loan account.
9. Bank account no. has no Minor / Major status issue. (If candidate age is
below 18 year (Minor) at the time of opening of the bank account and at the time
of disbursement of scholarship amount age will above 18 year (Major) then
account should be Major in bank i.e. crossed 18 years, candidate has to make
status of account as Major in bank).
10. To know updated details check the URL given with each type of Scholarship
mentioned below.
11. Details will be also be available on the notice board as and when the dates
are announced for filling of online forms by you for the desired scholarship.
For more details please refer the following links :-