GDSC, the Google Developer Student Club is a Google-backed university club fostering Cloud Computing, Web and App Development, DSA, etc, learning, collaboration, and networking among students interested in Google technologies. It is a reputed club of DBIT which aims to foster overall technical skills of the students to make them industry ready and familiar with latest technology trends. It's motto is "By the students, For the Students" which focuses on peer to peer learning. It also emphasizes on fostering the coding culture in college and making students aware of it's importance.
GDSC Website
ACM, well known for Association for Computing Machinery is a reputed student chapter under the Department of Computer Engineering. Through strong leadership, advocacy of the highest standards, and acknowledgment of technological accomplishment, ACM enhances the computer profession's collective voice. ACM encourages its members' professional development by offering opportunities for lifelong learning, career advancement, and professional networking. ‘Teknack’ is the flagship event of ACM wherein all students interested in game development come together to produce games using their creativity, technical skills and vivid frameworks and publish them over Google Playstore platform.
CSI, well known for Computer Society of India is another reputed student chapter under the Department of Information Technology. The Computer Society of India is a non-profit professional organisation that meets to discuss ideas, study, and share information. CSI also promotes and supports professionals in maintaining the profession's integrity and competence, and it creates a feeling of cooperation among members. Two of the major flagships events of CSI at Don Bosco Institute of Technology are: Game of codes & Coding premier league, where students across the engineering departments come together and innovate solutions over various problem statements!
The IEEE society at Don Bosco Institute of Technology is a professional organisation that creates, defines, and evaluates standards in electronics and computer science. Its goal statement is to "promote technical innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity." IEEE and its members inspire a community through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and various educational activities which will make the students ready for the corporate world!
The Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE) was formed at Don Bosco Institute of Technology to help students get more knowledge about the HVAC industry. The goal of an ISHRAE student chapter is to increase the number of students who are interested, concerned, and active in pursuing a profession in the field of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration. ISHRAE student chapter activities are managed by students who are selected as the core committee. These members will then provide students hands-on experience operating a company or organisation through various workshops, seminars etc! You can find last years activites in the summary report link. Summary Report Acadmic Year 2020-2021
The Physics Club of DBIT is for students who wish to learn about the applications of physics. Members of the club have the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities by constructing physics-based projects. The group is available to all students, but it is especially useful to those interested in a career in physics. The Physics Club's mission is to encourage involvement in the study of physics. The subjects are largely those addressed in the text, although because physics is such a vast subject, any issue can be studied. This club serves as a sounding board for ideas and feedback. Projects are encouraged, and assistance with exams, quizzes, and labs is offered.
The Mathematics Club of DBIT (aka DOMAIN) is a great platform for students to develop intuitive thinking skills and learn new types of math. Students will not only learn new material, but will apply their previous knowledge from college to solve fun and challenging problems in an easier way. The domain club raises the profile of maths as a subject by conducting various interesting workshops, seminars and competitions for students and helping them realise how fun, exciting the subject ‘Maths’ can be!
Amidst the thickly populated concrete jungles of the suburban Kurla, of Mumbai district, DBIT is an oasis of greenery. With a huge football ground and abundant lush green trees it's full of serenity and is a home for a variety of birds. With our Don Bosco values the students, faculty of SIE Club pledge to make the campus carbon neutral, create environmental awareness and promote sustainability with sustainable lifestyle using innovative engineering.
MAD gear sports is an independent student chapter for the students pursuing mechanical engineering. The main motive of this club is to connect and educate engineers while promoting, developing and advancing commercial and automotive engineering. Their mission is to advance mobility knowledge and solutions for the benefit of humanity!
Welcome to the vibrant world of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) at Don Bosco Institute of Technology. As an esteemed organization, IETE-DBIT has earned recognition by winning the prestigious Best ISF (Institutional Student Forum) Award. IETE is a student-led club promoting technology and engineering excellence. Through workshops, competitions, and research, members enhance their skills and expand their knowledge. With a dedicated student core, IETE remains at the forefront, fostering innovation and practical applications. Our motto is "For the students, by the students," reflecting our commitment to serving and empowering our student community.